Cloud Computing 101


According to National Institute of Standard and Technology or NIST (US):

A model for enabling convenient on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provide interaction.


Networks, Servers, Storage, Applications and Services etc.

Within this blog, we will discuss “five essential characteristics”, “three Deployment models” and “three service models”.

5 Characteristics of Cloud Computing

1. On-demand Self Service: you get access to cloud resources such as the processing power, storage and network. You need, using a simple interface, without requiring human interaction with east service provider. 

2.  Broad Network Access: Cloud computing resources can be accessed via the network through standard mechanisms and platforms such as mobile phones, tablets, laptops and workstation.

3. Resource Pooling: It gives cloud providers economies of scale, which they pass on to their customers, making cloud cost-efficient. Resources dynamically assigned based on demand.

4. Rapid Elasticity: Users can access more resources when they need them, and scale back when they do not need.

5. Measured Service: The user only pays for what he uses.


3 Cloud Deployment Models

1. Public Cloud: 

Leverage cloud service over the open internet on hardware owned by the cloud provider, but its usage is shared by other companies. 

2. Private Cloud:

The cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a single organization. It could run on-premise or it could be owned, managed, and operated by a service provider.

3. Hybrid Cloud:

It is the mixture of both public and private clouds, working together seamlessly.



3 Service Models


1. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service):

Users get access to infrastructure and physical computing resources such as servers, networking and storage on demand, over-the-internet, on as-pay-as-you-go basis. The cloud provider hosts the infrastructure components traditionally present in as on-premises data center as well virtualization and hypervisor layer.

2.  PaaS (Platform as a Service):

PaaS is a cloud computing model that provides complete application platform to develop, deploy, run and manage applications created by them or acquired from a third party. Users get access to the platform, that is the software and hardware tools, usually those needed to develop and deploy application user over the internet.

       The PaaS provider hosts everything such as servers, networks, storage, operating system, application runtimes, APIs, middleware, databases and other tools at their data-centers.

3. SaaS (Software as a Service):

SaaS or Software as a Service is a software licensing and delivery model in which software and applications are centrally hosted and licensed on a subscription basis, and sometimes also referred to as “on-demand software”. SaaS supports:

a.  Email and Collaboration (Microsoft Office 365 and Google’s Gmail)

b. Financial Management (NetSuite CRM and Salesforce)

c.  Customer Relationship Management (Workday and SAP SuccessFactors)

Human Resource Management


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